Do not enter the mosquito in the house just by burning a leaf, the mosquito of the room will also run away

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One thing in the rainy season that most people are troubled is the mosquito. Mosquitoes grow from the accumulation of water and make people angry at the people’s house. Mosquito bites continue to be endangered due to many serious diseases, so preventing mosquitoes from entering the house is also very important. In today’s post, we are going to tell you about a leaf which is easily available in the market and also very cheap. By burning it, you can run a mosquito in your house and stop it from entering.

It’s remedy

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For this, you will need to burn only one and only a teaspoon. The smell of bay leaves is not liked by mosquitoes and its smell spreads to the entire room as it burns. Its fragrance spreads to the entire room, so the mosquito present in the house immediately escapes from the room. It is easy and very effective from the far away way of mosquito.

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A completely dried teaspoon burns only slowly after burning a bit. Because of its smoke, the mosquitoes shy away from coming home, because they do not like its smell. Before using it, the window of the room should be locked and the fan should not be used after burning it. Only then does this remedy work. This remedy is very effective in the cold and rainy season.
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